Use Mobilly to conveniently pay for parking, train tickets and taxi in Latvia!
With Mobilly you can:
– pay for parking spaces in Riga, Liepāja, Daugavpils and other cities;
– buy Riga public transport code tickets;
– buy train and bus tickets;
– pay for charging electric cars;
– pay the entry fee into Jūrmala;
– make donations, pay for services at Puto car washes, buy museum tickets and pay for other goods and services.
What are the advantages of Mobilly?
No more queues, counting cash or calculating the expected parking times! Everything is simple and clear with Mobilly – no stress!
With Mobilly, you are informed about the train and inter-city bus departures and arrivals. Plan your daily routes; find the nearest parking places in Riga and other towns in Latvia!
How to use Mobilly?
1. Download the application.
2. Enter your telephone number.
3. Add money to your Mobilly account.
4. Now you can make your purchases.
This application can be used by individuals, as well as companies. The application is available for phone numbers of the European Union countries, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Ukraine.
This application requires Internet connection.
Get more information about the advantages of the application at!
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